Tuesday, July 15, 2014

This shows all the V.I.P's out there in msp that a non-vip can look super fab! if i find this outfit, i would tottaly buy it!

Rate: 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* stars

Dress type: chilling at the skate chatroom

Would I where: YAAASSSS!


This is so Perf for V-day in MSP! BUT! the furries are to deep of a red for be and would feel like blood on my feet >_<!

Rate" 1* 2* 3* 4* stars                                                
Dress Type: on a romantic date

Would i wear? Maybe :)


Honestly, this is only good for like, a costume party. I like it but he hair is just to big. I like hair that's just nice and flowing

Rate: 1* 2* 3* stars

Dress Type: costume

Would I where it?: if it where to dress up

This is perfect for going to any chatroom, or just simply hanging out with friends! Green and black always would work together in my book! 

Rate: 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* stars

Dress Type: Casual
Would I where it?: of course!